Do AI Generators Dream of Picasso?

HSU Hsin-Yu | CHEN Hsin | XU Hsin-Chen | HUANG Hsin-Yi | CHEN Yung-Wen



Through collaborating with an AI text-to-image generator, we sought an unconventional way to read and/or tell a story. We would like to discuss/study the relationship between the AI generator and human designers while looking for potential methods to reinterpret space from textual descriptions. 

We took an artist's life story as the basis of our storyline. Based on the elements extracted from his life events and/or artworks, we ‘created’ textual descriptions for each selected life period. These were prompts for the AI generator to ‘imagine’ scenarios. These scenarios were later translated into architectural subspaces that represent each life period. Being bridged in a designed sequence, the subspaces were integrated into one unity where the spatial storytelling and the textual storyline align.